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Feb 25, 2013

Judge James Gray; joys and frustrations of campaign

Those of us who followed the Libertarian Party campaign in the Presidential election last year are probably still following the statements of Presidential nominee, Governor Gary Johnson.  So far, there has been little said on the VP nominee, Judge James P Gray.
This has changed with an article by him on his reflections on the campaign: 
Many people have asked me what it was like to be the 2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice President of the United States, along with Governor Gary Johnson as our candidate for President.  I can say that, on the one hand, it was a deeply humbling, uplifting, interesting and gratifying experience, and I tried to represent all of the people of our country well.  On the other hand, believing that the Governor and I were far more qualified than anyone else in the race, and seeing us almost completely frozen out of the national media and excluded from the national debates, it was eternally frustrating. 
More specifically, I can tell you that it is a big country, which makes money much too important in elections.   But considering the fact that probably 75 percent of the people who voted in the election had never even heard of us, I think we did quite well. … 
… Throughout the campaign when people asked me for more information about the Libertarian philosophy, I referred them to two books.  One is “Libertarianism in One Lesson,” by my friend David Bergland, and the other is “Libertarianism: a Primer,” by David Boaz.  I also refer them to you. 
At the end of the campaign, I flew into Albuquerque from Kansas City and my wife Grace flew in from Orange County so that we could be together at the election celebration that evening.  Since my plane arrived before hers, I was able to meet her at her gate with a hand-printed sign that said: “Grace, remember me?  I’m your husband.”  Fortunately she did, and I am deeply grateful for her support throughout this whole process. 
It was a long campaign, and I believe that all of us did our best.  But it was also nice to have it over, and to return to my private life at home with my wife and family.  I am deeply concerned about the direction of our country, but Life is Good!
Apart from the lack of experience in political office, which seems important to Americans Judge Gray would have made a damn fine nominee in his own right.  His website can be found here. 

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